1.1.0 - Release Candidate

This is the 1.1.0-rc release of Agones.

Check the README for details on features, installation and usage.

Breaking changes:

  • Change the API for allocator to allocation.proto #1123 (pooneh-m)

Implemented enhancements:

  • Allocator service should log the Agones version #1042
  • Allocation policy needs to expose namespace of the targeted cluster #980
  • Configurable log level for agones sidecar #971
  • Add dynamic configuration of the sidecar http port to the unreal sdk. #1131 (roberthbailey)
  • Retry on failures for multi-cluster allocation #1130 (pooneh-m)
  • Simplify the selection of the dynamic port in the nodejs sdk. #1128 (roberthbailey)
  • Simplify the selection of the dynamic port in the Go sdk. #1127 (roberthbailey)
  • Added dynamic configuration of http port in the rust sdk #1125 (roberthbailey)
  • Added dynamic configuration of http port in the unity sdk #1121 (roberthbailey)
  • Implement converters between the GameServerAllocation API and allocation.proto #1117 (pooneh-m)
  • Add AltaVR logo to companies using Agones #1103 (TimoSchmechel)
  • Use an environment variable to dynamically set the grpc port in the nodejs sdk #1093 (roberthbailey)
  • Set the port to connect to the sdkserver based on the AGONES_SDK_GRPC_PORT environment variable #1092 (roberthbailey)
  • Use environment variables to dynamically set the grpc port in the golang sdk. #1086 (roberthbailey)
  • Add mcmahan.games to the companies using agones list. #1085 (benmcmahan)
  • Add missing “/reserve” endpoint description #1083 (aLekSer)
  • Add SDK server HTTP API test #1079 (aLekSer)
  • Sdkserver port configuration #1078 (roberthbailey)
  • Fixes, more e2e tests and logging for multi-cluster allocation #1077 (pooneh-m)
  • Longer blog post for Agones 1.0.0 announcement #1076 (markmandel)
  • Add a delay flag to the sdkserver #1070 (roberthbailey)
  • Adding namespace for multi-cluster allocation policy #1052 (pooneh-m)
  • Logging Agones version and port on the startup. #1048 (pooneh-m)
  • Adding make file to generate allocation go from proto #1041 (pooneh-m)
  • Add Sidecar log level parameter to GS specification #1007 (aLekSer)

Security fixes:

  • Ran npm audit fix to update package dependencies. #1097 (roberthbailey)
  • Bump eslint-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.2 in /sdks/nodejs #1014 (dependabot[bot])

Documentation: https://development.agones.dev/site/

See CHANGELOG for more details on changes.

Images available with this release:

Helm chart available with this release:

Make sure to add our stable helm repository using helm repo add agones https://agones.dev/chart/stable

Last modified July 23, 2024: Graduate Passthrough Port Policy to Beta on Autopilot (#3916) (205e87e)