Quickstart: Create a Game Server Fleet

This guide covers how you can quickly get started using Agones to create a Fleet of warm GameServers ready for you to allocate out of and play on!


The following prerequisites are required to create a GameServer:

  1. A Kubernetes cluster with the UDP port range 7000-8000 open on each node. Creating the firewall.
  2. Agones controller installed in the targeted cluster
  3. kubectl properly configured
  4. Netcat which is already installed on most Linux/macOS distributions, for windows you can use WSL.

If you don’t have a Kubernetes cluster you can follow these instructions to create a cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Minikube or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and install Agones.

For the purpose of this guide we’re going to use the simple-game-server example as the GameServer container. This example is a very simple UDP server written in Go. Don’t hesitate to look at the code of this example for more information.

While not required, you may wish to go through the Create a Game Server quickstart before this one.


  • Create a Fleet in Kubernetes using an Agones custom resource.
  • Scale the Fleet up from its initial configuration.
  • Request a GameServer allocation from the Fleet to play on.
  • Connect to the allocated GameServer.
  • Deploy a new GameServer configuration to the Fleet.

1. Create a Fleet

Let’s create a Fleet using the following command:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.44.0/examples/simple-game-server/fleet.yaml

You should see a successful output similar to this :

fleet.agones.dev/simple-game-server created

This has created a Fleet record inside Kubernetes, which in turn creates two warm GameServers that are available to be allocated for a game session.

kubectl get fleet

It should look something like this:

simple-game-server   Packed       2         3         0           2         9m

You can also see the GameServers that have been created by the Fleet by running kubectl get gameservers, the GameServer will be prefixed by simple-game-server.

NAME                             STATE     ADDRESS            PORT   NODE      AGE
simple-game-server-llg4x-rx6rc   Ready    7752   minikube   9m
simple-game-server-llg4x-v6g2r   Ready    7623   minikube   9m

For the full details of the YAML file head to the Fleet Specification Guide

2. Fetch the Fleet status

Let’s wait for the two GameServers to become ready.

watch kubectl describe fleet simple-game-server
Name:         simple-game-server
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration={"apiVersion":"agones.dev/v1","kind":"Fleet","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"simple-game-server","namespace":"default"},"spec":{"replicas":2,...
API Version:  agones.dev/v1
Kind:         Fleet
  Cluster Name:
  Creation Timestamp:  2018-07-01T18:55:35Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    24685
  Self Link:           /apis/agones.dev/v1/namespaces/default/fleets/simple-game-server
  UID:                 56710a91-7d60-11e8-b2dd-08002703ef08
  Replicas:  2
    Rolling Update:
      Max Surge:        25%
      Max Unavailable:  25%
    Type:               RollingUpdate
      Creation Timestamp:  <nil>
        Container Port:  7654
        Name:            default
        Port Policy:     Dynamic
          Creation Timestamp:  <nil>
            Image:  us-docker.pkg.dev/agones-images/examples/simple-game-server:0.35
            Name:   simple-game-server
  Allocated Replicas:  0
  Ready Replicas:      2
  Replicas:            2
  Type    Reason                 Age   From              Message
  ----    ------                 ----  ----              -------
  Normal  CreatingGameServerSet  13s   fleet-controller  Created GameServerSet simple-game-server-wlqnd

If you look towards the bottom, you can see there is a section of Status > Ready Replicas which will tell you how many GameServers are currently in a Ready state. After a short period, there should be 2 Ready Replicas.

3. Scale up the Fleet

Let’s scale up the Fleet from 2 replicates to 5.

Run kubectl scale fleet simple-game-server --replicas=5 to change Replicas count from 2 to 5.

If we now run kubectl get gameservers we should see 5 GameServers prefixed by simple-game-server.

NAME                             STATE    ADDRESS           PORT    NODE       AGE
simple-game-server-sdhzn-kcmh6   Ready   7191    minikube   52m
simple-game-server-sdhzn-pdpk5   Ready   7752    minikube   53m
simple-game-server-sdhzn-r4d6x   Ready   7623    minikube   52m
simple-game-server-sdhzn-wng5k   Ready   7709    minikube   53m
simple-game-server-sdhzn-wnhsw   Ready   7478    minikube   52m

4. Allocate a Game Server from the Fleet

Since we have a fleet of warm gameservers, we need a way to request one of them for usage, and mark that it has players accessing it (and therefore, it should not be deleted until they are finished with it).

We can do the allocation of a GameServer for usage through a GameServerAllocation, which will both return to us the details of a GameServer (assuming one is available), and also move it to the Allocated state, which demarcates that it has players on it, and should not be removed until SDK.Shutdown() is called, or it is manually deleted.

It is worth noting that there is nothing specific that ties a GameServerAllocation to a fleet. A GameServerAllocation uses a label selector to determine what group of GameServers it will attempt to allocate out of. That being said, a Fleet and GameServerAllocation are often used in conjunction.

This example uses the label selector to specifically target the simple-game-server fleet that we just created.

kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.44.0/examples/simple-game-server/gameserverallocation.yaml -o yaml

For the full details of the YAML file head to the GameServerAllocation Specification Guide

You should get back a response that looks like the following:

apiVersion: allocation.agones.dev/v1
kind: GameServerAllocation
  creationTimestamp: 2019-02-19T02:13:12Z
  name: simple-game-server-dph9b-hfk24
  namespace: default
  metadata: {}
      agones.dev/fleet: simple-game-server
  scheduling: Packed
  gameServerName: simple-game-server-dph9b-hfk24
  nodeName: minikube
  - name: default
    port: 7714
  state: Allocated

If you look at the status section, there are several things to take note of. The state value will tell if a GameServer was allocated or not. If a GameServer could not be found, this will be set to UnAllocated. If there are too many concurrent requests overwhelmed the system, state will be set to Contention even though there are available GameServers.

However, we see that the status.state value was set to Allocated. This means you have been successfully allocated a GameServer out of the fleet, and you can now connect your players to it!

You can see various immutable details of the GameServer in the status - the address, ports and the name of the GameServer, in case you want to use it to retrieve more details.

We can also check to see how many GameServers you have Allocated vs Ready with the following command (“gs” is shorthand for “gameserver”).

kubectl get gs

This will get you a list of all the current GameServers and their Status.State.

NAME                             STATE       ADDRESS           PORT   NODE      AGE
simple-game-server-sdhzn-kcmh6   Ready   7191   minikube  52m
simple-game-server-sdhzn-pdpk5   Ready   7752   minikube  53m
simple-game-server-sdhzn-r4d6x   Allocated   7623   minikube  52m
simple-game-server-sdhzn-wng5k   Ready   7709   minikube  53m
simple-game-server-sdhzn-wnhsw   Ready   7478   minikube  52m

A handy trick for checking to see how many GameServers you have Allocated vs Ready, run the following:

kubectl get gs

This will get you a list of all the current GameServers and their Status > State.

NAME                             STATE       ADDRESS          PORT   NODE        AGE
simple-game-server-tfqn7-c9tqz   Ready   7136   minikube    52m
simple-game-server-tfqn7-g8fhq   Allocated   7148   minikube    53m
simple-game-server-tfqn7-p8wnl   Ready   7453   minikube    52m
simple-game-server-tfqn7-t6bwp   Ready   7228   minikube    53m
simple-game-server-tfqn7-wkb7b   Ready   7226   minikube    52m

5. Scale down the Fleet

Not only can we scale our fleet up, but we can scale it down as well.

The nice thing about Agones is that it is smart enough to know when GameServers have been moved to Allocated and will automatically leave them running on scale down – as we assume that players are playing on this game server, and we shouldn’t disconnect them!

Let’s scale down our Fleet to 0 (yep! you can do that!), and watch what happens.

Run kubectl scale fleet simple-game-server --replicas=0 to change Replicas count from 5 to 0.

It may take a moment for all the GameServers to shut down, so let’s watch them all and see what happens:

watch kubectl get gs

Eventually, one by one they will be removed from the list, and you should simply see:

NAME                             STATUS      ADDRESS          PORT    NODE       AGE
simple-game-server-tfqn7-g8fhq   Allocated   7148    minikube   55m

That lone Allocated GameServer is left all alone, but still running!

If you would like, try editing the Fleet configuration replicas field and watch the list of GameServers grow and shrink.

6. Connect to the GameServer

Since we’ve only got one allocation, we’ll just grab the details of the IP and port of the only allocated GameServer:

kubectl get gameservers | grep Allocated | awk '{print $3":"$4 }'

This should output your Game Server IP address and port. (eg

You can now communicate with the GameServer:

nc -u {IP} {PORT}
Hello World !
ACK: Hello World !

You can finally type EXIT which tells the SDK to run the Shutdown command, and therefore shuts down the GameServer.

If you run kubectl describe gs | grep State again - either the GameServer will be replaced with a new, Ready GameServer , or it will be in Shutdown state, on the way to being deleted.

Since we are running a Fleet, Agones will always do it’s best to ensure there are always the configured number of GameServers in the pool in either a Ready or Allocated state.

7. Deploy a new version of the GameServer on the Fleet

We can also change the configuration of the GameServer of the running Fleet, and have the changes roll out, without interrupting the currently Allocated GameServers.

Let’s take this for a spin! Run kubectl scale fleet simple-game-server --replicas=5 to return Replicas count back to 5.

Let’s also allocate ourselves a GameServer:

kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.44.0/examples/simple-game-server/gameserverallocation.yaml -o yaml

We should now have four Ready GameServers and one Allocated.

We can check this by running kubectl get gs.

NAME                             STATE       ADDRESS          PORT   NODE       AGE
simple-game-server-tfqn7-c9tz7   Ready   7136   minikube   5m
simple-game-server-tfqn7-g8fhq   Allocated   7148   minikube   5m
simple-game-server-tfqn7-n0wnl   Ready   7453   minikube   5m
simple-game-server-tfqn7-hiiwp   Ready   7228   minikube   5m
simple-game-server-tfqn7-w8z7b   Ready   7226   minikube   5m

In production, we’d likely be changing a containers > image configuration to update our Fleet to run a new game server process, but to make this example simple, change containerPort from 7654 to 6000.

Run kubectl edit fleet simple-game-server, and make the necessary changes, and then save and exit your editor.

This will start the deployment of a new set of GameServers running with a Container Port of 6000.

Run kubectl describe gs | grep "Container Port" until you can see that there is one with a containerPort of 7654, which is the Allocated GameServer, and four instances with a containerPort of 6000 which is the new configuration. You can also run kubectl get gs and look at the Age column to see that one GameServer is much older than the other four.

You have now deployed a new version of your game!

Next Steps

  • Have a look at the GameServerAllocation specification, and see how the extra functionality can enable smoke testing, server information communication, and more.
  • You can now create a fleet autoscaler to automatically resize your fleet based on the actual usage. See Create a Fleet Autoscaler.
  • Have a look at the GameServer Integration Patterns, to give you a set of examples on how all the pieces fit together with your matchmaker and other systems.
  • Or if you want to try to use your own GameServer container make sure you have properly integrated the Agones SDK.
  • If you would like to learn how to programmatically allocate a Game Server from the fleet, see how to Access Agones via the Kubernetes API or alternatively use the Allocator Service, depending on your needs.

Last modified October 9, 2024: Release 1.44.0 (#4013) (24c3673)